500m Rowing Competition in aid of ALS Malta




UM Rowing | 500m KO Tournament

Join us this Republic day for an indoor rowing knockout competition in aid of ALS Malta!

The competition will follow an elimination tournament format, where competitors will be placed in groups and will row 500m against one another. The competitors with the fastest time in each match-up will advance to the next round to row another 500m. This process will repeat until it is down to the last two athletes competing in the final. This set up will not only test one’s ability to row a fast 500m but also one’s capacity to row successive strong efforts with limited recovery time.

Prizes will also be awarded to the top placing Males and Females.

Date: Tuesday 13th December
Time: 9:30-11:30 AM
Location: Ta’ Qali open gym car park (weather permitting)
Entry fee: minimum of 5 Euro donation, with all proceeds going to ALS Malta